Recordings now available!
The 5th PROMIS Training Workshop
Moving from PROMIS Fundamentals to Advanced Use in Clinical Care and Research
Missed the workshop? Now watch all 14 presentations on your own time.
Learn from the PROMIS Experts!
Pesented June 17-18, 2024 at Northwestern Medicine Prentice Women's Hospital in Chicago
Get the basics and learn how PROMIS is being used in clinical care and research in orthopaedics, mental health, rheumatology, pediatrics, physical therapy, cancer and primary care.
Take PROs to the next level at your institution with PROMIS measures.
Access 9.5 hours of training
All 14 Presentations
Click below to register and access the recordings:
PHO Member $339
PHO Student Member $279
Non-Member $399
Non-Member Student $309
Workshop Registrants:
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Feedback from Workshop Attendees
"Real world examples"
"Changed my perspective on how I would use the assessments"
"Deeper understanding of all aspects of moving PROMIS forward"
"The different PROMIS measures that others use/how often and their validity coupled with displaying the results in different ways with the EHR."
Program Chairs
Ryan Jacobson, PT, DPT, PCS, George Fox University, Newberg, OR
Jin-Shei Lai, PhD, OTR, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL
Day 1 - Opening Session
Building on Our Foundations, Embracing Our Future
David Cella, PhD
Northwestern University, Chicago, IL
Track 1: Getting Started with PROMIS
Introduction to IRT and CAT
Richard Gershon, PhD
Northwestern University, Chicago, IL
How to Choose the Right Measures and Understand
What the Scores Mean
Richard Gershon, PhD
Northwestern University, Chicago, IL
Crosswalks between PROs to Minimize Patient Response Burden and Optimize Aggregate Comparisons
Xiaodan Tang, PhD
Northwestern University, Chicago, IL
Track 2: Using PROMIS in Clinical Care
How can PROMIS Outcomes Improve Clinical Decisions in Physical Therapy
Jeff Houck, PT, PhD
University of Rochester, Rochester, NY
PROs in Pediatric Practice and Research Networks: Successes and Current Challenges
Carole Tucker, PT, PhD
University of Texas, Galveston Branch, Galveston, TX
The TRIFECTA 2.0: Using PROMIS to Inform Shared Decision-Making, Guide Individual Patient Care and Improve Workflow
Judy Baumhauer, MD, MPH
University of Rochester, Rochester, NY
Day 2 - Opening Session
PROMIS in Mental Health
Susan Bartlett, PhD
McGill University, Montreal, Canada
Track 1: Getting Started with PROMIS
IT Options for Implementing PROMIS
Maggie Morris, BSN
Northwestern University, Chicago, IL
Putting Patients First: Enhancing Care through
Patient-Reported Outcomes
Anne Thackeray, MPH, PhD
University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT
PROMIS Enhances Clinical Decision Making!
Ryan Jacobson, PT, DPT, PCS
George Fox University, Newberg, OR
Track 2: Using PROMIS in Clinical Care
PROMIS in Cancer Care
Ann Marie Flores, PT, MsPT, PhD
Northwestern University, Chicago, IL
Leveraging PROMIS in Clinical Care and Research in Orthopaedics
Maggie Horn, DPT, MPH, PhD
Duke University, Durham, NC
Integrating PROMIS in Arthritis Care: Lessons Learned
Clifton "Bing" Bingham, MD
Johns Hopkins, University, Baltimore, MD