2025 Conference Program
The 11th Annual PROMIS International Conference
Leveraging the Patient Voice from Clinical Decision-making to Policy: The Value of PROMIS
October 26-28, 2025 - Milwaukee
Hyatt Regency Milwaukee
Plenary Sessions
PROMIS in the Regulatory Landscape
Sunday, October 26
This session will provide in-depth analysis and discussion of current practices around use of PROMIS-based evidence for treatment approval and labelling claims among regulators. There will be a specific focus on the US FDA's patient-focused drug development program and guidance, and approaches for implementing PROMIS in this context.
Moderator: David Cella,, PhD, Northwestern University
Robyn Bent, Director of the Patient-focused Drug Development (PFDD) Program in the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, US Food and Drug Administration
Sonya Eremenco, Executive Director of Patient-Reported Outcome (PROMIS) Consortium, Critical Path Institute (C-Path)
The Role of PROMIS in Quality Performance
Monday, October 27
PROMIS is increasingly imbedded in routine clinical care across medicine, with significant new knowledge around implementation approaches building rapidly. This sessions will delve into major successes, best practices, and lessons learned with a practical look at implementing PROMIS in clinic.
PROMIS Around the World - What's New
Monday, October 27
Moderator: Caroline Terwee, PhD, Chair, International Committee
The Role of PROMIS in Quality Performance
Tuesday, October 28
The program includes Oral Paper Sessions (Clinical and Methodological), Poster Hall, Roundtables, Welcome Reception, Poster Walks, and optional Mentoring. Expand your conference experience with a pre-conference workshop and join colleagues for a relaxed casual fun social event on Monday evening.