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The 11th Annual PROMIS International Conference
Leveraging the Patient Voice
from Clinical Decision-making to Policy:
The Value of PROMIS

October 26-28, 2025

Milwaukee, Wisconsin USA

Call for Abstracts

Submit by April 18

Call for Abstracts











Share your research with colleagues from around the world who share your passion!

Click for submission information

Program Schedule

PROMIS in the Regulatory Landscape

Navigating Opportunities for Implementation

The Role of PROMIS in Quality Performance

PROMIS Around the World
- What's New

Oral Papers and Poster Hall

Roundtables and Mentoring

Conference Scholarships

Evening Social Event

Attention Trainees

Apply by April 18
for a Conference Scholarship

The PHO is offering scholarships for trainees to participate in this year's conference, Oct. 26-28, in Milwaukee. 

Eligibility: Graduate students, masters, PhD students, medical students, residents, fellows.

Please note: Applicants must submit an abstract for the conference to be considered for a scholarship. Share your research with the PROMIS community at the PHO conference.

Click for Scholarship Application

Conference scholarships are funded by generous donations. Since 2019, the PHO Board of Directors has awarded 45 conference scholarships.

Gain new insights. Expand your horizon. Learn now PROMs and PROMIS are being used around the world for value based health care. real world evidence -- real world data across specialties. Gain perspective on buy-in, implementation, and exchange ideas.

Network and connect with researchers, clinicians, decision-makers, health system administrators, government and regulatory agencies, pharmaceutical and technology industries, non-academic organizations, and business entities that utilize PROMIS in patient-reported outcomes.

Program Chairs

Early Registration opens April 20

Devin Peipert, PhD
125th Anniversary Chair & Professor
of Health Outcomes Measurement

Centre for Patient Reported Outcomes Research
Department of Applied Health Sciences, University of Birmingham

Edgbaston Birmingham, UK

Anne Thackeray, PhD, PT, MPH Assistant Professor
Physical Therapy and Population Health
University of Utah
Salt Lake City, Utah USA

Registration Benefits

Plenary sessions on Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday

Oral paper sessions (methodology and clinical) on Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday

Roundtables on Sunday and Monday

Poster Hall on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday

Poster Walks on Sunday

Sunday Welcome Reception

Buffet  lunch on Sunday and Monday

Daily refreshment breaks

2026 PHO membership

Learn. Share. Engage.

An excellent program is being planned with exciting sessions and speakers, concurrent oral paper sessions on methodological and clinical research, posters, roundtables, and a welcome reception.

Be inspired!  Join new and old colleagues for forward-thinking sessions. 

Learn as speakers and attendees share their experiences, passion, and recent advances utilizing PROMIS measures.

Engage with the PROMIS community.

We look forward to seeing you in Milwaukee!

Evening Social Event

3rd ST Market Hall
Monday, October 27, 6:00-9:00 pm

Come together for a relaxed evening of food and fun with colleagues and friends. The 3rd ST Market Hall brings the best of ‘Brew City’ together under one roof.  With a lineup of 18 locally owned and operated food vendors plus a fun collection of activities, this venue delivers a relaxed ‘playground’ to unwind and socialize.  Shuffleboard, cornholes, and Topgolf await friendly matches between all who are ‘game’.

The 3rd ST Market Hall is located within walking distance of the Hotel.

Purchase your ticket in advance (and one for your guest) with your conference registration.

Ticket Price: $60 USD per person. Ticket purchase includes a food & beverage voucher ($40 USD value) and private use of the Shuffleboard courts, Cornhole activity area, Topgolf Swing Suites.

Click here for more information about 3rd ST Market Hall

See you in Milwaukee!

The PHO's annual fall conference will be held in the Hyatt Regency in downtown Milwaukee. See tab below for hotel information. The PHO conference will follow the ISOQOL conference at the same hotel. 

Located on the shore of Lake Michigan, Milwaukee is 90 minutes north of Chicago. See tab below for travel information.