Thanks for being a part of the conference!
The 10th Annual
PROMIS International Conference
The PROMISE of PROMIS - Transforming Clinical Care Through the Patient Perspective
October 17-18, 2024 - Cologne, Germany
The conference featured plenaries, a deep dive, an international session, oral paper sessions (clinical and methodological), poster hall, poster walks, roundtables, mentoring, and networking.
Transforming Healthcare from a Value-Based Perspective Using PROMs
Thursday, October 17
9:45-10:45 am
Moderator: Dave Cella, PhD
What is the role of PROMs in supporting Value-Based Healthcare initiatives? Leaders from health technology agencies, healthcare institutes, academia, and large healthcare systems will present how they are partnering with governmental agencies to use PROMs for the promotion of Value-Based Healthcare Delivery.
The Amsterdam PROM Implementation Strategy:
Policy and Pathway
Lotte Haverman, PhD
Amsterdam University Medical Centers
Powering Patient-Centered Value
Zofia Das-Gupta, PhD
International Consortium for Health Outcomes Measurement (ICHOM)
Use of PROs for Decision Making in Health Technology Assessment
Beate Wieseler, Dr. rer. nat.
Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care (IQWiG)
Is PROMIS Ready to Generate Real-World Evidence? Current Efforts and Future Developments
Friday, October 18
7:45-8:45 am
Moderator: Benjamin Schalet, PhD
Learn how PROMIS can be used to generate real-world evidence, and what will be needed statistically and technically to make PROMIS an even better tool for collecting real world data.
Prof. Dr. med Matthias Rose
Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Susan Bartlett, PhD
McGill University
Enhancing PROMIS Assessments for High-Frequency Remote Data Collection with the Mobile Toolbox
Aaron Kaat, PhD
Northwestern University
The Promise of Getting Real: Can We Study and Understand the Data We Consider Good Enough to Treat Our Patients?
Prof. Dr. Christof von Kalle
Berlin Institute of Health at Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin
PROMIS Around the World - What's New
Friday, October 18
8:45-9:45 am
Moderator: Caroline Terwee, PhD
Chair, International Committee
Worldwide use of PROMIS measures has significantly increased in recent years. Learn about current activities of the International Committee, use of PROMIS around the world, and the global work of PROMIS National Centers (PNCs).
Use of PROMIS Around the World
Helena Correia, Lic.
HealthMeasures, Northwestern University
Promoting PROMIS in Germany - Landmark Initiatives
PD Dr. ner. nat. Felix Fischer
PROMIS National Center, Germany
Initiatives to Advance Use of PROMIS in Saudi Arabia
Rehab Alhasani, MSc, PT, PhD
PROMIS National Center, Saudi Arabia
The Future of ePROMs Delivery and Reporting -- Exploring Digital Healthcare Technology Solutions
Friday, October 18
1:15-2:15 pm
Moderator: Amy Cizik, PhD, MPH
This panel discussion will feature thought leaders from technology companies that develop business and lead teams designing healthcare technology solutions for the electronic delivery and reporting of patient-reported outcome measures (ePROMs).
Garrett Ursin, BS
Software Developer - Patient-Reported Outcomes
Prof. Dr. Timo Schinköthe