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Recommendations from Successful implementations 

HealthMeasures, a partner with the PHO, provides information and guidance on implementing PROMIS measures for us in patient care. 

Enablers and Barriers

A growing number of publications identify enablers and barriers for implementing patient-reported outcome measures for patient care.

Using the Theoretical Domain Framework, a research team at McGill University identified both enablers (e.g., knowledge, reinforcements) and barriers (e.g., decision processes, social influences) for healthcare providers to use patient-reported outcomes scores in cliniclal care for patients with low back pain. Learn more. 

The Society of Gynecologic Oncology's Policy, Quality, and Outcomes Taskforce identified "significant, but surmountable" challenges in integrating patient-reported outcomes measures in healthcare. These include infrastructure, reporting, provider engagement, and patient engagement (Sisodia et al, 2020). 

Recommendations from Successful System-wide Integrations

Specific recommendations and Information and insights on challenges and opportunities in implementing PROMIS for patient care are documented in publications.  Learn more.

Implementation guides for specific patient populations are also available. Learn more. 


Publications on PROMIS are growing

More that 2,000 publications on utilization of PROMIS have been published between 2006 and 2020. Publications detail:

  • Measure development
  • Measure validation
  • Utilization in research
  • Utilization in clinical practice

The HealthMeasures/PROMIS website maintains a list of:

  • PROMIS Publications by year
  • Primary citations for PROMIS measures

See PROMIS publications by year

See a list of primary citations for PROMIS measures